You've got those who live from day to day or from week to week...and then there's the planners. Boy, do we love them! They make it possible for us to commit their dedicated time to a specific client on a fixed schedule.
When we say 'fixed schedule', what do you hear? D'uh! €€ in the bank on a regular basis! Yes! Achieving a light version of financial stability at your age, isn't that wonderful? But there's more...these recurrent engagements also make it possible for us to find you a job or assignment that's actually relevant to the Bachelor's or Master's degree you're pursuing. Make no mistake: recruiters L O V E seeing relevant work experience pop up on your CV. A big win!
What else? Well, another showpiece for your résumé might be a list of well-developed soft skills acquired during your time as a Deltaworx Fixed Jobber. It's also - by far - the best opportunity you'll get to stand out on a company's recruitment radar OR impress a future employer. Come to think of it...from that point of view, we should ask YOU to pay US ;-)!