Congrats to Antwerp’s Deltaworker of the Month May, Andy Remeysen!
No matter what job they’re doing or where they’re at, Deltaworkers always do their best to deliver outstanding work. To honour this attitude, we created the Deltaworker of the Month, a title that is rewarded monthly to one Deltaworker per region. In Antwerp, we granted the title to Andy Remeysen, a 21-year old student Physical Education Teacher at the AP Hogeschool. This is why he likes working at Deltaworx.
#1 Flexibility
“Around four years ago, I joined Deltaworx. I was still at high school then and I was looking for a flexible job. Deltaworx was one of the few employers with a flexible system where the student could choose his own jobs. I heard about it through some friends that worked there already.”
#2 Variation
“I work a lot to earn money, so I had a lot of different jobs. Most of them were catering jobs at events. But I’ve also been a parking boy a few times. A while ago, I even saw a job to guide a group of teenagers, which would be an awesome experience as a future teacher.”
#3 Family
“After four years, I know a lot of Deltaworkers and clients. I believe co-workers are important. And by co-workers I mean the other Deltaworkers and the employees at the location, which are your colleagues too. If they treat you with respect, it’s as if all the employees are one big family and it’s fun to work at.”
#4 Fun
“As a Deltaworker, I make lots of fun at all kind of events. My favorite till now? Well, recently I’ve been a day in Amsterdam to clean up the mess after Kingsday. Of course, we enjoyed a little citytrip afterwards.”
#5 Engagement
“How to become Deltaworker of the month? Keep on going! Work a lot and do all you can, as I did last month. I think that’s how I won this great title.”
Indeed, hard work pays off. Thanks Andy!