Congrats to Ghent’s Deltaworker of the Month February, Brent Heirman!
No matter what job they’re doing or where they’re at, Deltaworkers always do their best to deliver outstanding work. To honour this attitude, we created the Deltaworker of the Month, a title that is rewarded monthly to one Deltaworker per region. In Ghent, we granted the title to Brent Heirman, a 24-year old year student real estate at HoGent.
#Jointhefamily is a real thing
“One year ago, I heard about Deltaworx from friends working there”, says Brent. “They didn’t have to go to great pains to make me join the family. I did other catering jobs before, but working at Deltaworx is much more fun. What makes it so nice to work? My co-workers! From the first job on, I sensed a connection. Nobody gets excluded, we share the same interests and we love to grab a drink after work. Let’s say #jointhefamily is a real thing, which feels great, since my social environment has always been important to me.”
Responsibility first
“I mostly do catering, simply because I love to do these kind of jobs: waiting tables, serving appetizers, pouring drinks… Although it seems similar, the jobs are quite different. I attend events and discover venues I wouldn’t have the chance to. This way, I get to learn a lot of different people and places. Although, I have to admit I really like working for clients I know best, like ICC Ghent. When I work for them, I get more responsibility: I’m the point of contact for clients, I make sure everything goes as planned and I motivate the other student. I really enjoy doing these extra tasks!”
Happy waiter
“My secret to be awarded the best Deltaworker of the month is simple: smile. We are all ambassadors of Deltaworx, so smile a lot while working, try to get along with everybody, work hard, do your best. Not sure you’re good at waitering? Pay attention in the training. You’ll get to learn all about it.”