We proudly present: our Deltaworkers of the month, the December edition!
All members of the Deltaworx family have one thing in common: the urge to deliver outstanding work. And some of us push things even further, which should be honoured. So each month, we grant the title of ‘Deltaworker of the month’ to one Deltaworker per region. And in the month of December, following extra-milers impressed us the most.
“Do what you are best at”
“Why I’m Brussels’ Deltaworker of the month? I guess I owe it to my enthusiasm,” says Chloë Koto Ngbabo, a 25-year old Communication Management student. “Since I don’t have the skills for catering, Deltaworx outsources me to all kind of companies – from Deliveroo to a company offering building insurances. These jobs mostly consists of offering information to their customers by phone. Since I really love doing jobs where I can combine my customer focus with my communication skills, I’m very motivated. Probably they noticed and that’s why they awarded me.”

Since Chloë’s has a clear vision on her future, her love for Deltaworx isn’t coming out of the blue. “I would like to build a professional career in event management. So anywhere Deltaworx sends me, I’m keeping my eyes open and I’m expanding my network. The fact I’m getting an insight in different types of organisations right before I graduate, is an added value to my degree.”
“How to become Deltaworker of the month? I’ve honestly got no idea. Just try to communicate clearly about what jobs you like to do and what you are best at. That way, you are not only motivated, but also the right man or woman for the job.”
Thanks, Chloë!
“Being flexible is worth a lot”
In Antwerp, 19-year-old student Sebastian Schuddebeurs had the honour of being named Deltaworker of the month. “I select my jobs via the Deltaworx app: mostly event jobs such as catering or welcoming guests. Or promo work, as I did during december for the Citycubes pop-up store in the city centre. What I love most? The company of my colleagues. While maintaining our focus, we make a lot of fun. You can really call us a community.”
According to Sebastian, the biggest benefit of working at Deltaworx is the flexible schedule. “This job allows me to choose my working days and hours myself. Of course, this flexibility works both ways: I get up really early to drive to Kortrijk, I jump in for a sick co-worker, and I don’t bother working overtime. I guess that’s why they awarded me: being flexible when it comes to work is worth a lot.”

When we ask Sebastian on how to become Deltaworker of the Month, his answer is clear. “Do what you’re expected to do and make sure you work efficient. Once you are comfortable doing your task, try to do something extra: act proactively and keep your eyes open for work at any moment.”
Thanks, Sebastiaan!
“Be a workforce they can count on”
In Ghent, the 21-year-old Robin Vanderstraeten was Deltaworx’ eyecatcher last month. This second year student Design & Production Technology is putting his best foot forward during catering jobs and some promo work. “Since I want to gain experience in the event sector, I try to do as much catering jobs as possible.” As Sebastian, he is going the extra mile by throwing his proactive attitude into battle: “I try to get involved during the preparations of the jobs I’m on by keeping in touch with my clubmanager. I even sent him reminders to make sure he thought about every detail, such as contracts or costumes.

“I guess, looking for extra tasks could be the reason why I’m Deltaworker of the month. Actually, I’ve turned my job into my hobby and I assume they noticed. I guess they appreciate my fascination for their organisation skills and they felt I have Deltaworx’ best interests at heart.”
“My secret to be awarded the best Deltaworker of the month? Remain yourself and communicate in a transparent way: don’t make up excuses, always show up or make sure you give your colleagues a call when you’re late. It seems obvious, but these are the things that make you a workforce they can count on.”
Thanks, Robin!