The role of student workers in meeting MeetDistrict’s flexible staffing needs

Addressing fluctuating staffing needs with Deltaworx students

MeetDistrict provides dynamic and flexible workspaces for everyone, from young professionals to experienced businesspeople. Their locations are hubs for creativity and collaboration, where individuals and teams can thrive in an inspiring environment.

Sinds de introductie van flexibele personeelsoplossingen, heeft MeetDistrict niet alleen de flexibiliteit van zijn werkruimtes kunnen verhogen, maar ook de continuïteit binnen locaties versterkt. Deze verbeteringen hebben direct bijgedragen aan een hogere klanttevredenheid. Met als resultaat aanzienlijke kostenbesparingen op operationeel niveau.

Since introducing flexible staffing solutions, MeetDistrict has not only increased the flexibility of its workspaces but also strengthened continuity across locations. These improvements have directly contributed to higher customer satisfaction and significant operational cost savings.

Staffing flexibility


MeetDistrict can quickly scale its workforce based on current needs without the overhead of permanent positions. This allows them to meet the changing demands of the market with ease.

Fixed pools


By creating fixed pools of students, we ensure familiar faces who not only enhance the company culture but also provide consistent, high-quality service.

Cost savings

The use of students reduces operational costs while maintaining high productivity. This not only offers a cost-effective solution but also creates a flexible structure that can grow with the company.

Benefits of student labor through Deltaworx



Not only are wage costs for student workers lower compared to regular (temporary) staff, but students can also help reduce overall project costs due to their quick deployability and effectiveness.

Employer branding

Connecting with the future generation of workers strengthens your employer branding, crucial for both the success of your current projects and positioning your company as an attractive employer.


The flexible availability of students allows you to scale quickly when needed, without the burden of long-term contractual obligations.


Connecting with the future generation of workers strengthens your employer branding, crucial for both the success of your current projects and positioning your company as an attractive employer.

Experience the impact of students on your business

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